Sunset Park: More Than You Ever Knew
This website will "take" you a step or two beyond what you know about Sunset Park. This is meant to be an interactive site. If you have something to add,
a typo that you "catch" or want to challenge a piece of information,
please do so through the easy e-mail contact button at the bottom of the page.
We Sunset Parkers had many different churches, different languages and different customs. But one thing that united us was our hospital.
Most of us knew it as Lutheran Medical Center or the Norwegian Hospital.
Learn more about our hospital by
clicking on the yellow button above.
(97 photos)
Before the era of subways and buses, trolleys and trains ruled the day.
Most of us have no memory of a train that ran on tracks high above 3rd Avenue.
Click on the yellow button above and you will learn about how this railroad became a major highway and how every store and home on the east side of 3rd Avenue disappeared in one year.
(62 photos)
The City of Brooklyn only extended to 60th Street. Sunset Park was known
as South Brooklyn.
The churches of South Brooklyn
were all Protestant.
Irish Catholics were moving
to the area in great numbers. They wanted a church to address
their spiritual needs.
Who better to turn to then
St. Michael who defeated satan?
In colonial times, all the people met together to make government decisions
and they would create a "posse" to deal with serious, sudden crime.
Eventually, they hired men to act as a Night Watch -
these watchmen kept the people & their property safe during the night hours.
Sunset Park, in its early days was an undeveloped part of the City of Brooklyn.
We were known as Ward 8. We were the southern most portion of the City
(which ended at 59th Street) and thus also referred to as South Brooklyn
We certainly hope you will enjoy reading through this website.
We hope that something you read will stir your own memories and cause you to want to share those memories with us.
Click on the yellow button above and you will be able to e-mail us.
Feel free to also e-mail us if you find a typo or other error.
And of course, if we printed something that is wrong, please help us correct our error.